Monday 29 April 2013

I made a flower crown

 One of my resolutions this year was to make my own flower crowns. I just finished making this one. It isn't perfect but i love it. I am going to get some cream cotton thread and wrap the whole of the wire in the thread to cover up the wire twists i made. I played around trying to wrap lace and ribbon but it is hard to do around the flower twists so i think a lovely antiquey cream colour thread would look wonderful and would match the flowers also. I have had these flowers for years. I found them in a charity shop and i just looked at them today in their vase on my fireplace and knew they were destined to be flower crowns.

This was my first one but i shall now be making a lot more. Elle loves it already and put it on straight away. I took some photographs of her wearing it. It was a bit big, of course, but looked so pretty on her and of course, i cannot resist this sweet face of hers. I am in love with her little signature tongue in all her photographs i take of her.



  1. Gorgeous! The crown, the pictures...

  2. Oh this is beautiful! The flowers, the baby, the lighting! She is so sweet and adorable (says one mama-of-a-redhead to another) ...

    Ladaisi Blog
    Ladaisi Etsy

  3. It's really good! Defo help me make mine? Are they real flowers? X

  4. Oh i have missed so much! So happy to be catching up on your lovely life. :) I love Elle's signature tongue too. :)




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