Wednesday 1 May 2013

Hello May

I am so happy May is here. The weather is wonderful and us pink girls are so happy about this. We can spend all our time outside now. We were getting serious cabin fever being stuck in the house during the long cold spell.

Today was pretty lovely. Elle had pre-school this morning and so i took Mia to the marina by our house and we sat on the little island. Mia chased the geese and kept shouting hello at the boats. Elle had her gymnastics class in the afternoon so afterwards, we went for a walk around the meadows and gardens. It was just lovely to be out and sitting in the grass. I just let the girls play whilst i snapped away. I am so excited for more and more days like this over the next few months.

One of my best friends, Hannah, does a little feature on her blog called "there in spirit" where i send her photos throughout the day of the girls. She moved away and now lives an hour away from us and doesn't get to spend a lot of time with me and the girls, so we do this little photo sharing thing so she feels involved. Today, i sent her photographs all day and you can see them here on her blog.



  1. I love love love your photography!

  2. I adore every picture. ADORE x

  3. Oh they pics are so lovely. Love every single one of them. It is nice with spring, it is a shame it don't last longer...

  4. These photographs are beautiful. It's so great to have some nice weather. My son was straight out in the garden after breakfast at 7:30 this morning. Wellies over his PJs hehe!

    1. Thank you, yes it really is. Everything is so much happier x

  5. These are just so beautiful, Keri-Anne!



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