Monday 13 August 2012

16 months

(pictures by Ivory faces photography)     (14, 13, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 32)

This is very late but i still wanted to update for when Mia looks back on this when she is older.

Mia, you are just amazing! You took your first steps on my birthday (8th July). You took more steps on the 16th July and by the end of july, you were pratically running! You have your first big girl walking shoes and you love them. You clap your feet together with such the sweetest little giggle!

You are such a girly girl. This morning you came up to me with Elle's dressing up shoes and tutu and demanded i put them on you. You then walked around the house pushing the pram like a real fairy princess.

You call your sister "Elle Bell". Its our nickname for her and you shout at the top of your voice for her. It is the sweetest thing. She calls you "Miamoo" and you both fall down in hysterics. You are the best of friends.

You are saying so many words now and answer questions when we ask. You can count to three also! Proud mama here.

We love you so much. These months seem to just keep blurring into one another. Your hair is getting so long and it is turning into curls at the end. You are going to have ringletts like your sister!

Mimi, thank you for being such a wonderful little thing. You have so many people that love you.



  1. what gorgeous pictures! your blog is always so whimsical. i love it!

  2. She is such a darling, just like her mummy and big sis.
    Loving the nick names too, kat xox



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