Saturday 14 July 2012

Turning 26.

On sunday the 8th, i turned 26. Even though i dont want to be another year older, i am embracing this new year for me. Being 25 was all about sleepless nights and trying to figure out who i want to be but going into my 26th year, i feel wiser and happier. Mia has slept through four nights in a row and even though i am still shattered, i feel this is a huge turning point for us. This year, i am going to just accept what comes and not get myself in states anymore. I am so much in love with my little family and they have made me so happy. I want to learn to be more patient and i am also starting driving lessons so i have more freedom with the girls whilst their daddy is at work. We are just confined to the town and we want to be able to get out to the countryside and lakes and spend days away from our little bubble we seem to have made for ourselves. Its an exciting adventure for me.

I got woken at 4am by Mia on my birthday. I think she was excited and didnt want to wait another moment to start celebrating. Gilles took over at half seven and sent me back to bed but i decided to just have a nice long bath instead. He ran me a honey and almond milk bubble bath and i stayed in there for a little while. I then had my sister come over and we went dress shopping in the town. In the afternoon, we had a party at my mums house for me which was wonderful.
On the monday, it was my grandmas birthday. Every year we have a joint birthday lunch at her local garden centre. The family turned up and took over a huge table and we sat in the cafe for two hours before wondering around and picking up some flowers for the garden. We then went to my other grandmas village park and me, my sister and brother all acted like children again. We had a long play and went for a drink at my grandmas.

It was a wonderful two days. I got some wonderful presents (i shall be blogging about a few heart felt gifts soon) and Gilles bought me a 1940's vintage bike. He hasnt gotten to pick it up yet but it is wonderful and i have named her Ivy. I had an old 80's raleigh caprice before called Fifi but she wasnt in great condition and is now in bits in the outhouse. I am looking forward to welcoming Ivy into my life and going out on her to the lake once the girls are sleeping with my camera. Please let summer begin soon!!

I am quite content now being 26. I didnt think i would be but it is a new chapter and i am excited to see what being 26 is going to bring me in life.



  1. happy belated birthday! i love your bday outfit. :)

    1. thank you sweet! it was one of the new dresses i got on the day :) x

  2. ohh first of all happy birthday!! You still look so young, seriously! You look much younger than I am, and I'm just 1 year older. It will be an amazing year and you will sleep longer and enjoy your baby every day a bit more :)

    1. Hello! thank you for stopping by and for your lovely comments. i am hoping i get lots of sleep in this year of my life! x



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