Thursday 12 July 2012


On the 30th of June, i celebrated my 5 year wedding anniversary with Gilles. We didnt get to spend the day together. He was working all day and into the early hours of the morning and i had Mia's christening to prepare for.

I have shared our love story here. It has been such an amazing adventure with him and i am so excited to see where this adventure takes us. We have two beautiful children and are just as much in love as when we got married - if not more so!

I am completely in love with this man. I remember the first time he let me know he loved me. I had a song notebook that i wrote lyrics and poems in and he wrote this:

I shared a video of us when we first started dating last week in a post.



  1. Yay! 5 years eh? Seems like last week...
    Here's to many, many more happy years together! XX

    1. Thank you Aunty. yes it does seem like last week x



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