Thursday 12 January 2012


Today, i officially became a stay at home mummy. I went back to work at the beginning of december and we had to put Mia into nursery where Elle already goes. It wasnt until i had completed a months work that we realised we had completely miscalculated our finances and that it was actually going to cost us more in nursery fees than i would be coming out with in my pay packet.

My work have been amazing and i am really going to miss it. I have one of my very best friends working there!

It is quite exciting though to think that i now have every day with the girls and that Mia doesnt even need to go to nursery anymore. We are keeping Elle there for one day as she is entitled to her free sessions and she just loves going and seeing her friends.

I am now concentrating on my photography. I have accepted a few shoots and a wedding and i am looking to upgrade my equipment and start up my own personal shoots again. I am excited to see what this year holds.



  1. Great news! I'm happy it all turned out well :)

  2. Aww how lovely, I'm so pleased for you! xoxo

  3. Awww hun, I'm so happy for you!... But I'm going to miss talking to you on the phone. Our weekly quick chats about our kids... Wish you the very best! love love love xxx

    1. Thanks darling. Yes i will miss it too. I have no choice though :( i shall stay in touch on fb though :) xxxxxxxx

  4. Well done, for making a tricky decision! I hope it goes well with your photography - it's great that you have shoots lined up. Whose wedding are you doing? You might need an assistant for that - to be "sheep-dog" and help line up guests for shots, keep to the bride & grooms' plan/wish-list etc. Another friend who did her first wedding shoot said it was a nightmare on her own. She got a sensible friend to help her next time.

    1. Thank you aunty. i will take someone with me. It is one of my lovely friends Laura, next july. I am hoping by then that i will have more confidence adn experience x

  5. This quite literally made my day!!!! Although it's only 10am
    Here. I'm so happy for you! No more separation anxiety and plenty more tea parties! And a photography career, how exciting! Your photos on here are always beyond beautiful. Congratulations!

    1. How lovely of you!!! thank you so so much darling. xxxxx

  6. Sounds fab. I bet you are excited and scared all at the same time but I am sure you will do well with your photography - oohh the kids can even help you out xxx

    1. thank you darling. Yes its such a mixed emotion! and thank you. I hope i do. xx

  7. That is such wonderful news I'm so happy for you and the girls darling :)
    Love kat xox

  8. Aww so happy for you dear. That is the best news ever for you and your beautiful family. And with summer coming...ekkkk exciting times ahead. x



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