Monday 16 January 2012


Now that i am a stay at home mummy and house wife, i have been thinking about ways to help me not loose myself. I have been thinking about what direction i have wanted to take my blog in for a while now and i have decided that my little blog is going to be my main creative outlet. I love to sew, i love to write, i love to bake and i would love somewhere to share all of this. Not just posts on our family life.

I am excited about this blog of course, i shall always been sharing our family days aswell but i would love to just have a little place where i can share my writings and recipes and sewing projects and little alone adventures that i am going to make sure i do over the warmer months such as reading in meadows and little photo adventures to the woods.

I hope you will all enjoy what i shall be sharing also. Once again, thank you for all of your lovely words and support. A few little apperanace changes are happening right now on here, so please excuse all the tinkering and moving of things until i get things just perfect. x



  1. I'm looking forward to seeing the things you make! Em x

  2. How exciting! I look forward to continuing to be inspired by your lovely work!

  3. I love the new look and blog idea, can;t wait to see what you make :D

  4. I cant wait to see what you make either :D

  5. lovely lovely happy news. I am so very happy for you that you get to stay at home with your little ones. Enjoy this wonderful time, I am excited to see what wonderful things you will create aswell. Lot's of love dear xxxxx

  6. love that soft feel
    check out my art
    follow me if you like me :)



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