Friday 6 January 2012


Thank you for the sweet sweet comments on my last post where i shared a little of my writing. I wanted to dedicate one more post to a few more little pieces i have written.
I have just found a journal my aunty made me that i am handwriting all these in for the girls to have when they are older. I hope they like them.

they flew in diamonds, lanterns on their beaks
keep up tiny robins for the crows will come
huddle with the biggies
eagles and vultures are eating barley sugars on the hilltops
baby seagulls singing to their ma's
but their ma's haven't any blossom to feed them and their little tummies are growling like lions.

The elephant gracefully kisses the linnets beak
good night little bird
There are droplets on your hair, but i still think you are beautiful
Tomorrow i shall bring you some gingerbread and a little jam for your toast
The linnet kissed the elephant on his tusk
good night dear friend
Tomorrow will become a new year and we shall jig around the nettle beds
Now we must sleep, tip toe away sir
Tomorrow is a new year

If you go down to the woods today
you shall see little squirrel is
holding a tea-party for the fauns
and blackbirds
lemon milk on tables and blackberry pies on stools
they sing such lovely melodies and
dance such lovely steps
but shhhhhh
the trees are now sleeping
tip toe tip toe ...away.

She met albert in the orchard
with a pale of water and
two dozen apples (and three dozen plums)
make me a pie she cried
with your needle and hay
a pie for the children down the lane
socks pulled up to their knee bones and mittens on strings in their coats

The unicorn king had two curls in his hair and an itchy itchy moustache on his face
his skin smelt of foxgloves and he ate toast for supper
he slept in winter socks and mittens and dreamt sometimes of gold finches and sometimes of bears with fingers and toes instead of paws.
he thought that maybe they might sleep in mittens too!

Ring your bell mr wolf and lets catch icicles on our noses
the sunbeams are hibernating for the winter,
wrapped up in lemon coloured blankes (milk on the stove)
keep your baby teeth warm though, in tiny ribbons in your jumper drawer.

Little olive
asleep with the sunbeams next to the bathtub
lace on her shoes and string around her fingers
dreams of leopard cubs and frosted leaves and cones.



  1. I love your writings... so imaginative and original.
    I'm honoured that you're using the book I made you for your writing. :-))

  2. You have a very special talent for writing and creating beauty dear. Your writing conjures up magical images, it was a little bit of fairy tale heaven to read your short stories :)

  3. P.s. It's louise, I was signed in as my husband...opps!

  4. I like the squirrel tea party and the elephant one best.
    I think they are stories all little ones would adore
    And those still with a magical outlook ;)
    Keep writing keep sharing my lovely
    Kat x

  5. thank you aunty.
    Louise, thank you for your lovely words and thank you so much Kat. It means so much coming from you x

  6. I love your style of writing, so imaginative and lovely! I love the last part about little olive!

    1. thank you Jennifer. That is very lovely of you x

  7. Beautiful writing my love. You have such a magical heart I think xxxx

  8. These verses are so whimsical and beautiful! Well done! This would make a perfect little bedtime reading for children!

    1. How lovely of you, thank you :) i would love to write childrens stories x



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