Thursday 15 December 2011

A Hidden Cupcakes Christmas

Today, i have a lovely guest poster!! Tracey from Hidden Cupcakes is sharing a wonderful post with us about her stocking traditions. She makes the most beautiful stockings and is selling some over at her etsy shop here. She also has a facebook page over here.

p.s Use Coupon code: HIDDEN40 for 40% off purchase at her etsy shop!! :)

Life is busy.

Life is good.

Life is getting ready for Christmas...

Thanksgiving is over.

Time to decorate for Christmas.

An event..that lasts about a week.

I take my time and enjoy each moment...because it ends all too quickly.

First on my list this year, "Thing 4's" Christmas Stocking.

I decided to make our Christmas stockings...never being satisfied with what I found at the stores.

{Sometimes I am a little picky}

The stockings were basically free.

I used old blankets, shirts, pillows, ribbons, buttons.

I love how each turned out.

If I had to pick a have it would be the striped one...Thing 3's...I used his baby blanket.

{I enjoy having sentiments involved everywhere possible}

The only stocking I didn't make was my own.

The cupcake and coffee stocking. {Can you say, PERFECT!}

I bought it a few years back on Etsy at The Lowelly Worm...the stockings are adorable.

Being away last Christmas I decided to wait on making "Thing 4's" Stocking.

I thought it would be nice to use something from his "baby-hood" like I was able to do with "Thing 3".

I'm so glad I waited.

It is going to be just perfect.


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