Wednesday 16 November 2011

Unicorns i have known

Yesterday, Elle was looking through our bookcase and ask to look at this book. I had completely forgotten that i had this book and of course, i bought it out and we snuggled together to read.
Unicorns i have know by Robert Vavra. It is a picture book of unicorns and she absoutly loved it. She has it in her room now to look at at bedtime.

I remember when i was younger, being fascinated by the egyptian book my father had and looking at all the pictures. I hope Elle (and eventually Mia) grow up loving this book as much as i love it.

It is daddy pinks birthday on friday and boy, do we have a lovely day of surprises for him. I am so excited to share the day with you all and even more excited just to see his face when he sees everything.



  1. Happy almost birthday, Daddy Pink!

    Love those unicorn pics!

  2. What beautiful pictures! Makes me want to buy that book!



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