Friday 23 September 2011

A three year old

When oh when did my baby girl get this big! Three!

She amazes me more and more everyday. She has me in stitches from the moment i wake up. She is so caring and loving but boy, when she wants to be fiesty - she can be! Its that red hair! She is one strong willed, independant little girl!

She really is not so little anymore. She is in big girl pants, she doesnt ride in a buggy anymore and she understands everything i say to her. Its like having an adult around. She is such a sponge and is coming out with longer and longer words.

For her birthday, she got a camera from me and Gilles. She has been asking for one for a while. I guess she wants to be just like mummy. So here is a peek of her birthday, through her viewfinder:

For a three year old, learning to use her camera for the first time, i think she has done amazingly! I am so so proud of her!

So yes, i now have a three year old and tomorrow Mia is 6 months old!! I am now off to go and hide under my duvet as i don't want my babies growing up!


1 comment

  1. Oh I love seeing the world through the eyes of our little ones!! Beautiful pictures from a beautiful soul!



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