Monday 23 May 2011

These photographs.

Here are some photographs of our days recently.

Its been quite a few quiet days. My boy has been home and took us for milkshakes yesterday. Today we had some family around and then walked around the shops.

Tomorrow, Mia is 2 months old!!! i cannot believe how fast the time is going. She is growing up so quickly. She also has her ultrasound on her hip tomorrow which i am starting to worry about but i just have everything crossed that it turns out there isnt anything wrong. My poor baby girl.

In other news, one of my photographs of Elle in the bluebells was featured on Spearmint Baby as their photo of the day. I am proud as punch. I love that blog and feel honoured to have not only my photograph featured, but my little Elle featured.


1 comment

  1. Beautiful photos! Visiting from the Alexa hop! I’m also following via GFC. Would love if you could stop by and do the same :)

    Kristen from



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