Tuesday 10 May 2011

four beautiful girls

Mia is nearly seven weeks. She is such a sweet little thing. Her little voice is so soft and pretty, her lips become more beautiful each day. Her eyes are becoming so blue and she saves all her biggest smiles for her big sister.
She holds on to the end of my hair whilst nursing and makes deep sighs whilst sleeping.

When i was pregnant with Mia, i worried about how i could possibly love another child as much as Elle, but your love just grows and you have more to give. i love them both and its the most amazing love. Unconditional.

Yesterday, i took my two girls to meet my friend, Sara, down by the water. We attended school together ad lived one street away from each other, She has Ruby-Mai who is two months younger than Elle and little Rosie who is two days older than Mia. I hope the girls grow up as good friends. Elle and Ruby-Mai already love each other.
We blew fairy clocks, picked and made daisy chains and they ran around the grass. The two little ones had their first meet and lay out on the blanket.

a perfect afternoon.


  1. What a really lovely post, Keri-Anne! The photo collage at the end is just perfect.
    Ruby-Mai looks so like her mummy!
    It won't be long before those two tiny people really are blowing fairy clocks... time seems to fly by!

  2. Once again another lovely post. I am so glad you have Sara to share mummy tales with. x

  3. Cute :)




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