Wednesday 25 May 2011

a horrid night.

I had such an awful night. I was awoken at 3:30am by Gilles returning home from work and asking me why i had left all the kitchen doors and drawers open. I hadnt! i went down stairs with him to find that we had been burgled. They had gone through all our cupboards and drawers, all my teapots and down the cellar. The police think they were looking for money for drugs. We found my baby changing bag out in the garden all empty and my purse with atleast £80 had gone missing from it. My husband then realised he took off his wedding ring to bleach the floors and left it on the side by the sink. It had been taken also. He is so devasted about his ring. Its something that is irreplacable.

We also think they tried to get into Elle's room as she woke up at 1am crying with her door wide open. I didnt think anything off it at the time, so just scooped her up and bought her into my bed with Mia. It hurts my heart to even think what might have been! i am just so glad we are alive and ok and were not hurt. The police were lovely and the forensic team arrived late this morning and they said they think they got some good prints so i hope they can make a match and catch the horrid person!

I am now so jumpy. Gilles works most evenings until late so i will be hiding out in my bedroom with both girls from before it even gets dark!  My neighbours are lovely though and have been around with flowers and chocolates. We are very lucky to have such nice neighbours.

What did make me smile this morning was receiving a lovely package from Kathryn at Secrets of a butterfly
It contained some lovely Belle and Boo badges that i won in a competition on her blog.
Thank you Kat.

Tomorrow is my sisters birthday. She is my best best friend and i get to spend the day with her. I am very excited and it is just what a need to lift me up a bit. :)



  1. Holy cow, that is SO scary! Glad you are all ok though! You can replace just about anything except people. Stay safe!!


  2. wow. that is so scary!!!
    I'm so glad nothing happened to you or your precious girls. Hope that ring turns up.
    Hope you don't get too scared either.

  3. I'm so sad to read this, I really feel for you all; it must be so terrifying knowing someone was in your house while you were there. :-( I hope the police turn up the burglar, and hopefully your husband's ring as well, and you can sleep soundly again.

    Your family, and your photos of them, are just beautiful and your blog and Flickr are a delight to look at.

    qb x



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