Monday 10 June 2024

A cottagecore spring

It has been nearly a year now since I left my full time job in a primary school. I have been working hard on two etsy stores but also giving myself a breather. I have been working on staying healthy because I had a collapsed lung last year and I am still not fully recovered but I am nearly there. I have also made sure I take myself to magical places, create among nature and create a wonderful world around me. 

I had such a beautiful spring. It was hard at first to start going out because I had gotten myself into a big hibernation mode over the winter but I have loved just going on adventures and creating with my phone instead of planning places to go just for the photographs and trying to get the perfect, in focus shot on my slr camera. I love the more relaxed approach (and a smaller tripod!) and I love the images and reels that have come from that. They are not sharp, in focus images but, instead, they capture the moment and feel more like oil paintings than pictures. 

This summer, I shall be doing the same. Capturing photos or videos in the moment and seeing what magical places I end up finding!

I hope you enjoy these snippets of my cottagecore spring!


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