I wanted to share some of my new ideas and plans for decorating in the house. When my husband renovated the house, he did laminate floor throughout because the old floorboards were rotten. We will eventually replace them and have the original floors but we couldn't afford this and because he was renovating during lockdown, he wasn't able to find the people or sources he needed to do it. As well as the floors, he also painted the whole house white so I can add my own touches with my artwork and prints. Another thing he did was paint all the woodwork on our old bay windows white to make them look fresh.
When we moved in, we quickly realised that we would need to add things into the bay windows to make it more private. At the moment, it isn't too bad because the evenings are light so we don't have the lights on until later but, soon, we will need that privacy and warmth. I love our round bay windows and they allow so much light into the house and because they are are wide bay, if we did add curtains, it wouldn't block out so much of the window when tied back so would still allow a lot of light in.
I am toying with the idea of having either lace or voile curtain fabric or maybe going for a tartan pattern. I love the romantic feel of the lace but I also love the cosy feel of the tartain fabric. We have both the living room and our bedroom with the lovely bay windows so I am thinking of having lace or voile in the bedroom to allow light in in the mornings and then a thicker curtain downstairs.
I have also been thinking about our bedroom. I don't have much up at the moment except some pj redoute rose prints so over the next few weeks, I will be adding things in the room also. I think I want to keep it romantic and cottage like with just botanical prints and hanging lace and floral dresses! I cannot wait to share when it is finished!
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