Sunday 1 March 2020

A glasshouse of hyacinths

A glasshouse of hyacinths and lemon trees for me and Hogwarts for the girls.

We spent today at Lacock Abbey, exploring all the places they filmed Harry Potter in. Elle was in her element and got overwhelmed whilst walking along a corridor that Emma Watson walked down. She is Harry Potter obsessed so this made her whole world! I obviously went for the flowers :)

When we were exploring the glasshouses, a hail storm started so we were able to camp out. The girls were sticking their hands out to catch the hail and giggling away and I just breathed it all in. It was a actually quite magical and perfect. The rain cleared and we were able to explore the village. Watching dogs swim in the ford and they girls bought lolly pops from the bakery.

A really lovely day. The girls fell asleep on the drive home, so I had two hours of daydreaming and listening to Bread and Kate Bush. It was just lovely. I love our roadtrip adventures and I know there will be so many this year. I have a whole list of places to explore!


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