Monday 1 July 2019

Writing under the camellias

Camellias. One of my most favourite flowers. They come before the bluebells and roses and put on the most magical display. I spent alot of time at the beginning of spring sitting under these bushes.

One afternoon, the girls were paddling in the stream on a hot afternoon and I sat by the camellia bush and wrote some stories. I also wrote myself a list of things that I wanted to do this year for some self care. I wanted to share my list with you:

Evening walks in the forest - Back in spring, the evenings were only starting to get light but I still wrote it down. It is the main one that I have wanted to focus on this year and I have been taking myself off in the evenings if Gilles has been home from work early enough. We also go every Tuesdays with our best friends until sunset which makes me so happy.

Days by myself - I hardly ever ask for alone time or ask for the girls to be looked after. I much prefer to spend my time with them but, every now and again, an opportunity pops up for the girls to sleep over or spend the day with family and I always make sure that I spend my alone time doing something for me. A few weeks back, when the bluebells were out, I sat under at tree in the forest by the stream and read my book for four hours. I had no phone signal and there was not another single person about so It was such a lovely day. I plan to do the same this Saturday because of the girls are having a sleepover at my sisters!

Writing - I am currently working on putting together a book of my photographs and stories and I am so excited to share this. I am not rushing and will just do this at my own pace and do what feels right for me but I am so excited to put some of my work out there for others to see.

Painting - Something else that I love. I am not the best at drawing or painting but I love the process and love using water colours with my easel to create magical flowers and ferns.


1 comment

  1. I saved this off as inspiration for the second half of this year. Also...please share a painting of yours...even if you don't think it is a Rembrandt. :-)



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