Friday 26 July 2019

The lavender fields

Last week. A magical adventure in the lavender. I have always struggled with lavender. It triggers intense migraines and I have always stayed away from it but the urge to go to these fields over the last few years has been so strong. Seeing the hills of purple on my drives and not being able to be amongst them.

I decided this year was the year I would go. If i became ill then I knew I couldn't go again but I had to try. I also knew that the smell wasn't as over powering in the open to what it would be in essential oils and soaps and there would be places for me to go to away from the lavender if it became too much.

It was actually fine and it was only when I bent down to look at some ladybirds amonst the flowers that the scent really hit me and I took a step back. I dosed up on tablets and I was fine for the rest of the day. I am so glad I went because we managed to have such a wonderful adventure. We went with our best friends. Elle did stay at home because she had been doing shows with her school in the evenings that week and had a dance final coming up the next day so was so tired and needed to rest but I am hoping she will come next year.

I made a little film using the 8mm app. I have enjoyed using this app so much and I love just being able to use my phone to capture our day rather then have to take my big camera out. I use an old filter effect and couldn't love it anymore!


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