Saturday 2 February 2019

Our Narnia wood garden

Our favourite wood garden turned into Narnia today. The snow fell yesterday but had disappeared over night so we were a little disappointed that we couldn't play in it. We had planned to go to our wood garden to see the snowdrops and as soon as we entered the gate, the snow was there. It is like to had stayed just for our visit. We started to play snowball fights and run around in the snow! There is something about snow that makes me turn into a little child and the girls were having so much fun that I just had to join in!

I really didn't expect the snow or we would have taken the sledge but it was a magical walk. When we got home, we picked some snowdrops from outside the front of our house and I potted them to put around the house. Snowdrops make me so excited because it means that Spring is trying to come. 


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