Wednesday 23 August 2017

Paper boat sailing

I love having little adventures that we do every year and making paper boats to sail on our local lake is one of them. We couldn't do it last year as the water had a disease but it is clear this year so the girls and I made up some paper boats, popped them in a basket and headed to the lake (via the blackberry bushes of course!).

It is such a simple adventure but, for the girls, it is an adventure of being in a fantasy world of mermaids and sailors. Skimming stones across the water and watching the swan family swimming by. I love doing this every year and, of course, I made a little creative film. I just sat on the bank and let the girls play and explore. I did have to step in one time to rescue Mia from the tree after she climbed too high and then realised that she couldn't get down but they had so much fun. We made sure we didn't let the boats sail out too far and the girls used sticks to keep them close by so we could take the paper out of the water before we left.

So another year adventure has passed. You can see our previous paper boat sailing adventures here, here and here. I hope you enjoy the mini film I created!


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