Monday 31 July 2017

Siblings {July 17}

Oh gosh! I am half a month late for this post. In all the years that I have been doing the siblings posts, I have never had a late post but this month, I honestly didn't even know what day it was! I had these photographs ready to upload during the week from our little trip to Wales but we had no Wifi so here we are. Nearly going into the next month and I am only just posting! I shall be much more organised for next month!

I love these photographs of the girls. When we arrived in Wales last week, the girls each had their own rooms in our caravan but they decided they wanted to stay in one room together. We said they could and we honestly thought it would only last one night but they spent the whole week together. We could hear them giggling every night and singing to each other. It just blew me away. When we arrived home yesterday, they both disappeared upstairs while we were sorting out unloading the car and when i went to find them, they had both gotten into Elle's bed together to play with their ponies. They really are inseparable and i cannot wait to see the adventures we have this summer!

Siblings is such a wonderful link up project. You can find more beautiful photographs on the other co-hosts blogs. Katie from Mummy Daddy Me, Lucy from Dear Beautiful, Amber from The Goblin Child and Carie from Space for the butterflies.We also have two new co-hosts joining us and i am so happy as i love both of their blogs. Donna from what the redhead said and Natalie from Little jam pot life


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