Tuesday 7 February 2017

The ivy bridge garden

I am always in search of new places to explore and last month, i came across a wonderful wood garden not too far from my town on the internet. They opened this past weekend for their snowdrop days and i knew i had to make plans for us to visit. I asked my lovely sister in law to come with me and the girls as she lives very near by it.

I cannot describe how wonderful it is. Woods and meadows and a stream with many bridges and a pond and snowdrops and daffodils! It is just dreamy and as we walked around, every tree and plant had a tag on to tell you what they were, My sister in law and i were googling all the names and ooing and aahing over the pictures on google and getting excited to what the tree or bush would look like. I am so excited to see it in a few months with all the blossom out, the daffodils and the "pinkbell" woods that they have. Pink bells! It is pretty much perfect for us pink girls!

Through the garden is a little stream and the girls had the most amazing time fishing with their sticks. You can see daffodil shoots all along the stream and the bank is also covered in moss. Half way along the stream is the most beautiful stone bridge covered in Ivy. The girls always love to name the places we go to so this is now the "ivy bridge garden" and i think it is a pretty wonderful name!

We have another trip planned already and i can see us here most of the time over spring and summer. The girls have asked about paddling in the stream and we have also talked about making paper boats to sail along the stream. It is going to be amazing! It is making me wish more and more for Spring to arrive but i shall be patience and just dream about the days where we can picnic in the pink bell woods and run through the orchard.


  1. Beautiful place. Where I live are magic forests and I like visit them with my two kids (8 and 5 years old) and with my husband. I need breathe and feel the trees and the flowes. I love one place specially, Selva del Irati (Navarra, Spain). It's wonderful, and magic in autumn. Happy day.

  2. Look at all those gorgeous snowdrops - what a stunning place! I think it's lovely the girls chose to name it the Ivy Bridge Garden! xx

  3. Beautiful pictures as usual. That place looks absolutely gorgeous.

    Beckie xo // The Pale Tails

  4. Gorgeous photographs and gorgeous girls!! Xx

  5. This place looks simply magical - and your photos are beautiful x

  6. loook at the beautiful snowdrops. What a gorgeous place. As snow has been falling for three days here and temperatures are still in the minus, I am looking forward to seeing some spring flowers!!

  7. Oh it's so pretty! Fairies live there one hundred percent

  8. What a cute little place! I love your pictures

  9. It looks like a little fairy garden. So beautiful and peaceful.

  10. My gosh it looks breathtaking there. The photos you've captured are stunning x

  11. Beautiful beautiful photos. Love following your instagram too xx

  12. i really like this article please keep it up. flower garden

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