Wednesday 15 February 2017

Siblings {February 17}

We are already into our second siblings link up month for the year. Christmas seems so far away yet so close too. This is the fourth year that i have done the siblings posts and it really is my favourite post to write each month. It gives me that incentive to make sure that i have a photograph of them together each month.

This month, we have been able to go on more outdoor adventures. The light stays around longer in the evenings and we have had some nice mild days. The girls are always happiest when they are exploring and finding sticks. Yesterday, we went to the forest and took the watercolour paints and the sketch pad. The girls wanted to do a picture together so Mia painted herself in the picture and Elle drew herself in the picture and it was just so lovely. I asked them what they were doing to draw and both said they wanted to paint themselves together and Elle suggested they do one painting together.

As well as painting, there was lots of me sitting on a log while they were in their own world. They were digging holes with sticks for the animals and finding fairies (as usual). They were also collecting things for their magic potion to make them big and small. I just love watching them and sometimes, if i am lucky, i am allowed to be apart of the game!

I decided to film some footage of them as i love creating the mini films of their adventures. I didn't get too much footage as we were busy building a teepee today but i love what i did get. I hope you enjoy it too!

Siblings is such a wonderful link up project. You can find more beautiful photographs on the other co-hosts blogs. Katie from Mummy Daddy Me, Lucy from Dear Beautiful, Amber from The Goblin Child and Carie from Space for the butterflies.We also have two new co-hosts joining us and i am so happy as i love both of their blogs. Donna from what the redhead said and Natalie from Little jam pot life



  1. Such lovely photos, and I really love their little bonnets! And that's so sweet that they wanted to do a painting together, with them both in. x #SiblingsProject

  2. Your girls looks so close and it's hard to see an age difference now too. Beautiful photos x

    1. I know! Mia is so tall as well and is only a little behind Elle. I do love that their age gap seems so much closer now they are getting older :)

  3. You take such beautiful photos Keri-Anne :) I love the first and third photos through the branches - it feels like you've stumbled upon two fairies in the woods :) xx

  4. Such gorgeous atmospheric pictures! I absolutely ADORE their little bonnets!! Where are they from?!

  5. I adore their hats you always have them in so beautiful. These are precious hun. Hope you are well. Sending love your way. #siblingsproject

  6. Stunning shots! Thank you for hosting 🌟 #siblingsproject

  7. I love that the evening are getting lighter and the air milder for adventures, yay!



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