Wednesday 1 February 2017

Creative photography with Zeqr

I talk a lot on my blog about how my passion is creative photography, specifically story telling. A photograph to me isn't just an "on the whim snap". It is captured for a reason and it is captured to freeze a moment, a memory or to tell a story. One of the things i love to do the most is to take the girls out on adventures and just capture photograph after photograph of their little candid moments. I love to change the angles and i love to shoot through flowers and grass and use the sunlight to add a more creative touch to my work.

I have never studied photography but i have worked hard with my style and worked hard to learn about my camera so i can capture the images i do. I love to include beautiful landscapes, forests and meadows to draw you in to what is happening in the image. A little like painting a scene. I want to capture every beautiful thing i can and to use that as a feature in my work. Windmills, waterfalls, a flower field. 

It has really taken me years to develop this style and to find the style of shooting photographs that work for me. I genuinely love every photo i take because i take my time in finding the moments that i would love to capture. I then uploaded these images to Instagram and over a few years, i have managed to get a good following and good engagement.  It inspires me more and more to carry on with what i am doing and i feel that i have my own style of images that i can be proud of. 

This year, i have set myself many goals and some of them are private goals that i hope to achieve but ones that i don't want to share because i don't want the pressure of having to fulfil that goal if it doesn't go to plan. One of those goals was to start to offer maybe a workshop or an e-course to help others with their creative photography. I feel that i know a little about it and i know what it is like to feel a little lost in a sea of other people's images and not knowing where your place is or how to even find and develop your own style. I thought it would be a goal that i would be happy to achieve if i felt it was right but a goal that i knew would be difficult to achieve because i am such an anxious person and putting myself out there to be judged and criticised was something i wasn't sure if i could actually do. It was just a goal and i knew that at some point in my life, i would eventually achieve it. 

Less than a week into the new year, i opened up one of the most exciting emails i could for me. It was from a new company called Zeqr. Zeqr is a new platform that, essentially, allows people to offer online one-to-one, or one-to-many video courses. The idea is that Zeqr will connect people keen to learn new skills, with an online platform of experts in all different categories. I was asked if i would be happy to be an ambassador for their launch and if I could offer five people the chance to have a free 45 minute online video session with me to talk about all things "creative photography". I knew this was my chance. I could have easily let my anxiety win and say no but this is that one chance that has been offered to me that will help me achieve my own dreams and goals. A chance to boost my confidence, to share my own tips and advice and to get to speak to some of my lovely followers and help them in any way i can. 

So here i am, offering five free online courses. I am so excited to be an ambassador for Zeqr. It isn't just the fact that i get to do offer these classes, it is also a huge boost for myself to learn and to share my passion. I have put together a class where i will talk about either creative photography, storytelling through photography or iphonography and instagram. All you would need to do is to sign up to the website here, find my profile in the Xperts section and click "request session" and let me know what you would want to talk about and what you would like to know and i will pick 5 people to offer these sessions with.

I am so looking forward to these sessions. Just talking about photography for 45 minutes straight with like minded people is something i cannot wait for! I am sure my husband must get bored of me blabbering on all the time. I really am looking forward to adventure! 


  1. Oh wow! How exciting, I'm so pleased for you. You'll be brilliant I'm sure xxx

  2. What an opportunity Keri-Anne! Your photography is so gorgeous, I'd love to be able to re-create some of the magic xx

  3. This is so exciting Keri-Anne! I can see you doing more of these courses and turning it into a bit of a business.

    1. Thank you. Yes, i hope i can go along that route :) x

  4. Oh wow! You will do so well, your pictures are beautiful. I don't think I'm good enough to attempt your course, I am still trying to learn so much but struggle with ideas and being more creative with my pictures. Good luck with it x

    1. Oh Steph! Of course you are good enough. If you want to request a session, please do! x

  5. Well done Kerri-Anne! You are the perfect person for this role! I love that you are doing this x

  6. Oh congrats, that sounds fab. Your photographs are stunning and I am sure that anyone would love to do your course. Hugs Lucy xxxx

  7. Oh wow that is an amazing opportunity! Fingers crossed for you!

  8. That sounds amazing. Your photography is incredible as it is but imagine what it will be like with that. I don't have a proper camera but id love to have one. Hubby will kill me though I'd say.

  9. What an amazing opportunity. Your photos are simply gorgeous, every single one!



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