Thursday 15 December 2016

Siblings {December 16} round up

I haven't wanted to wish this year away but i am so glad that i am able to do the yearly siblings round up. I make sure that i don't look back over the year at the previous photographs so that when i come to do this post each year, it is extra special.

This week, i was talking to Elle about friends. She had a day at school where all of her friends were busy playing in groups at lunchtime and she was going from group to group to ask to join but her friends were already busy playing. She said she felt lonely and had gone to her teacher upset. It made me sad but she then told me that she did skipping with some other children and all of her friends came over to join in so she was happy again. It made me feel better but then she turned around and said "But Mama, i know that i will always have one best friend for the rest of my life and that is Mia. Even when she isn't around, i feel a little bit of her heart with me". Those were her exact words. I really couldn't have thought of anything better for her to say about the love she has with her sister. I am best friends with one of my sisters and one of my brothers and it really is the most amazing thing in the world to have each other. To know each other inside out and to always have them all through your life. I am so excited for these two. Another year has passed and they are still the best of friends.

So, here is my yearly round up! Just seeing the images together makes me emotional. What a wonderful year! You can see our previous rounds up here and here.




Siblings is such a wonderful link up project. You can find more beautiful photographs on the other co-hosts blogs. Katie from Mummy Daddy Me, Lucy from Dear Beautiful, Amber from The Goblin Child and Carie from Space for the butterflies.



  1. They seem to have got vloser and closer throughout the year #siblingsproject

    1. I didn't think it was possible but they really have x

  2. Such gorgeous photos as always, that is so sweet of Elle, I hope my girls are as close as they are today. Oh and I have loved looking back over the year aswell, I spent so long last night reminiscing!

    1. Thank you Laura! Isn't it so lovely. I have been waiting to do this post for so long and LOVED putting it together :)

  3. Beautiful photos. So lovely they all tell their own little story. xx

  4. Oh so precious! You are a lucky mum!

  5. Some gorgeous photos of beautiful girls and clearly they adore each other. You must be very proud x

  6. They just adore each other don't they? You capture it beautifully xx #SiblingsProject

  7. These are such beautiful photos - you must be very pleased with your collection from the year. I've just had a second daughter - I hope my girls grow up to have a close bond like yours.

    Jenna at Tinyfootsteps xx

    1. Congratulations! How wonderful. I just love having two girls. Their bond is like no other x

  8. that is so adorable how they talk about each other. Fab pictures too x

    1. Thank you. I am very lucky that they are so close. We shall have to see if it continues into teenage years though! ;) x

  9. The photos of your girls are beautiful. It makes me excited to watch my two girlies grow xx

  10. Your photos are always just perfect! They have such a sweet bond by the looks of it

    1. Thank you Lauren. That is so lovely of you to say x

  11. Your photos are stunning. Great to look back on them like this. Have a great Christmas x #siblingsproject

    1. Thank you Emma. I hope you have a wonderful Christmas too x

  12. What an absolutely stunning collection of photos! What a year :) The ones in the poppies reminds me of a book of poems I used to have as a child. Gorgeous. xx



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