Wednesday 28 December 2016


January - I shared our snow adventure/ I shared photographs of my dining room and record player area/ We had an after school forest adventure

February - I shared some of my second hand finds/ I shared my craft desk area/ I took part in the "celebrate her" campaign with Cath Kidston/ We had a lovely sunday in the snowdrops

March - Another little adventure amongst the snowdrops/ We celebrate Mothers day in the forest/ We found a gorse meadow/ We made blossom and hyacinth crowns

April - I photographed a lookbook/ We spent the day in a golden field/ I wrote about my perfect picnic

May - We flew a kite in the rapeseed meadow/ The girls painted with their watercolours in the bluebell woods/ We visited the old railway track/ I made a flower crown/ I shared Elle's new bedroom

June - We had a wonderful day exploring Castle Ashby/ We found an ox-eye daisy meadow/ We explored a poppy field/ We did a photoshoot for Sesame and Lilly/ I cried the most tears ever when i discovered a foxglove patch in the forest/ The girls did some painting in the meadow

July - The girls painted amongst the daisies/ I turned 30/ I shared some more second hand finds/ I spent an afternoon sitting under a tree/ We picked buddleia

August - We went strawberry picking/ We had a wild flower meadow picnic/ I wrote about our holiday to Wales/ I shared our fairy tree adventure/ We pressed flowers in the meadow/ We had an adventure at Calke Abbey/ We went back to Castle Ashby

September - I took a walk through some ragwort/ I wrote about my trip to the Lake District with Gilles/ We adventured in the heather field/ I went on a press trip to Germany/ Elle turned eight/

October - We went on a mushroom hunting adventure/ I shared our sunflower field photographs/ We went pumpkin picking/ Mia and i had an after school train track adventure/ We did pumpkin carving/ We made a fairy village in the forest

November - We had an adventure in the pine forest/ I shared some treasure i found on Etsy/ Another autumn train track adventure/ I shared an honest post on how i was feeling/ We went to the Christmas tree farm

December - We took a walk amongst the golden leaves/ I shared a beautiful wooden watch that i gave Gilles/ We decorated a lonely tree/ The girls had breakfast with Father Christmas/ I shared my Siblings round up for the year


  1. For a moment I thought you'd found snow this winter and was about to hot foot it towards you for some proper winter weather!! What a beautiful year you have had; here's to a wonderful 2017 :)

    1. Ah i wish! We now have a sledge so i am hoping we get some soon! x

  2. Awwww. What an absolutely beautiful way to summarise your year. 30 can be a milestone, but looking at your photos there are so many ill defined by age, I became a mum at 30, and you're rocking it so well already. So, age regardless, I hope for you with each year comes more joy. x

    1. Thank you very much. It has been a wonderful year to turn 30 :) x

  3. What stunning photos as always - it's certainly been an fantastic year for you.
    Here's to a great new year

    1. Thank you. It really has and i am so looking forward to 2017 x

  4. Your photography gets me everytime. It is stunning.

  5. I am always in awe of your photography! You've had so many fun days out this year, it's really inspired me to get out more! Thank you for joining in with #ShareYourYear!

  6. Such lovely photos - I love how they capture the moments so well without being intrusive. Beautiful scenery too. Have a wonderful 2017.

  7. It is always a joy to come across your posts for I love how dreamy your photos are. #ShareYourYear

    1. Thank you Helena. That is so lovely of you to say x

  8. What a beautiful post - your photos are always so idyllic. Happy 2017! xx #shareyouryear



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