Thursday 13 October 2016

The Litus Gallery

(The Master builder of Nuremberg)

Every now and again, i stumble upon the most beautiful artwork and, after scrolling through Etsy the other evening, i came across the most wonderful paintings from The Litus Gallery, I fell more and more in love with the gallery as i looked through. Little bunnies, bears, foxes, stags and squirrels. Oh my. Boats, dolls houses, the moon, pumpkins! I just cannot express how much i love these paintings. A bunny painting a dolls house! It is the most perfect combination.

When i came to write this post, i honestly thought that i could write words and words but the only words i can think of writing is how amazing they are. Enchanting. Magical. I cannot find the words to describe the love and the feeling in my heart that i get when looking at them. It is like stepping in my own mind. It is really how i wish things were. I wish that i could look out on a lake at night and see a stag and bunny on a rowing boat, singing lullabies under the moonlight. I feel the moon herself would be singing too!

I really just wanted to share some of my favourite pieces and to see others fall in love with these paintings as much as i have. I think i shall be dreaming of bears picking pumpkins tonight!

You can follow The Litus Gallery on Etsy, Facebook and Instagram.

                                      (Once upon a time, the moon dreamt he was a kite)


  1. Replies
    1. Aren't they just! I actually gasped when i came across them x

  2. I love The Swing and Going Home For Christmas the most. In fact, the latter gave me warm fuzzies. I am so excited for Christmas this year! xx

    1. Yes yes me too! And i am too!! You must be with having two now! How exciting for you x

  3. Love them! So so nice - thanks for writing this post - I love discovering new Etsy sellers.

  4. These are beautiful! Thanks for sharing x

    1. I just had to. I really wanted to share them with everyone :)

  5. Aw you are right, these are utterly beautiful. The going home for christmas made me get goosebumps. x

    1. I felt the same when i saw it. It is very much a favourite out of them all but i feel the bear and the pumpkin is my most favourite of them all!

  6. Isn't it amazing when you find something that really captures your soul! I often feel that way about Kandinsky and Picasso, these are magical, I love them too!

    1. It really is. Art can be so personal but i really just wanted to share the magic of these x

    2. These are beautiful perfect for any nursery and something f to grow with them into their big rooms!

    3. They really are. I could imagine a nursery with a little wall feature of these :)

  7. Wow these are gorgeous and the type of thing I love to see. I'll go take a peek over at the ETSY store. Angela x

    1. Thank you Angela. I just had to share them as soon as i saw them. They are amazing! x

  8. What beautiful illustrations! They would look lovely on the wall xx

  9. these are stunning, really beautiful and special. Would look fab in a child's room x

  10. What gorgeous pictures. I must admit we really don't have that much art work up in our house, apart from the kids! I must take a closer look at these! x

    1. Oh you must, they are completely wonderful x

  11. I just love the first one where the bear is holding the pumpkin. there's such loving ones here xx

  12. These are gorgeous. They'd look great in a nursery.i love the second one x

  13. Oh I must show this to my friend. She loves painting and is always looking for new inspiration.

  14. Oh my word,these are absolutely fab illustrations. I'd LOVE one in the girls room, we are currently doing it up.

    1. Oh, you should get one! They are so wonderful x



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