Monday 31 October 2016

Move for Movember

Over the course of November, I am teaming up with Sara-Jayne from Keep up with the Jones to fundraise and raise awareness for Movember. Movember is a charity that is tackling men's health to prevent men from dying too young. They are addressing some of the biggest health issues faced by men such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide. Movember's aim is to reduce the percentage of men dying prematurely by 25% come 2030.

Sara-Jayne and i are challenging ourselves to Move for Movember. I am from Northampton and she is from Southampton so we have decided to walk the distance between us over the course of the month. She will walk half of it and i shall walk the other half and at the end of the month, we will meet at that half way point for a lovely family day out. This means that we shall have to walk around one and a half miles per day. I shall be doing a weekly check in on here with updates from my fitbit and how each week has gone and share any adventures or walks i have gone on that week to build up my miles.

I am so excited to be fundraising for such an incredible and important charity and i hope you can find it in your heart to either donate or to join too. Here are a few ways you can get involved:

  • Grow your mo (moustache)  - For 30 days, champion the mo and raise funds for men's health.
  • Take the move challenge - Challenge yourself to get physically active.
  • Host an event - Grab your friends and families and host an event to raise funds.
  • Share related personal stories to get people talking.

You can sign up yourself or donate to mine and Sara-Jayne's team page. We would be so grateful for anything you can spare.

Here is why we are fundraising:

  • Men experience worse longer-term health than women and die on average four years earlier for largely preventable reasons
  • 10,500 men die a year in the UK from prostate cancer, with rates predicted to double in the next 15 years
  • Testicular cancer rates have already doubled in the last 50; it’s the most common cancer in men aged 25-49 years 
  • Three quarters of suicides are men, that’s 13 men a day in the UK

"Our fathers, partners, brothers and friends face a health crisis that isn’t being talked about. Men are dying too young. We can’t afford to stay silent."



  1. This is such a good cause and anything that makes us MOVE is a good thing xxx

    1. Thank you. It really is. I am so happy to be doing this challenge for the whole month x

  2. this is a great idea, such a worthy cause - that is quite some distance to be walking so good on you. Hope it goes well x

  3. What a great idea! Good luck for your walking :)

  4. Great cause, good luck on your walking task!



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