Monday 12 September 2016

The heather field

 The heather field is our happy place. It was a place that we by accident came across on the way back from the seaside a few years ago. I saw purple in the far distance so turned the car around to go and investigate and we came upon the most beautiful heath with wild ponies and pumpkin fields.

We always like to go nearer the end of the heather season as the colour of the heather changes from a pinky or a nice dark purple and it is our favourite time to adventure amongst it. I feel like these are my favourite pictures and favourite adventure we have had here. We spent a few hours just sitting and collecting things and writing down the mushrooms and insects we saw. I let the girls explore and play themselves whilst i just took in everything.

It really is such a beautiful place and i can never really write and explain how i feel when i am here. I just love to take photographs and hope that the story from them shines through.



  1. Beautiful photos! I'm think I might need to go find a heather field soon.

  2. Wow. looks like a truly enchanted life :)



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