Thursday 25 August 2016

Fuchsias and orangeries

We have had so many days our and adventures over the last few weeks that i can hardly keep up but i wanted to make sure that i document all of our lovely days so i can read back and remember them. On Monday, we visited one of our favourite places, Castle Ashby. It is right by us and i wanted to take my mum with us so she could have a day with the girls. We love exploring here and i think the orangery is one of my most favourite places in the world! I love it so much that this is where Gilles and i spent my 30th birthday. I just love the windows and plants in there and i always feel so calm and peaceful as soon as i walk in there. I cannot wait to go for a little walk here the in Autumn on my own with my camera and nature journal. I feel that it is going to be even more beautiful.

The girls love it here as there is so much to see. They especially love visiting the meerkats and farm animals in the menagerie. But i think our favourite thing to do is sit on the steps at the river and watch the carp. My mum gave us some tips on some things to bring to feed them next time so i shall be taking us back soon to sit and give them so grated carrots. My mum has a degree in animal care and knows her stuff so it will be lovely to be able to feed them what they love. Watching the carp always reminds me of my favourite film and book, The children of green know. I am sure i shall be writing many more posts about this wonderful place over the years!


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