Monday 22 August 2016

Calke Abbey

When your day is full of orangeries, scarecrows, deers, greenhouses, grape vines, old libraries and wild flowers, you know it is a pretty much perfect day. And it was.

Yesterday, we met with one of my dear friends to explore Calke Abbey which is a national trust estate. We have a family membership and it is perfect for us as adventurers. The day was just lovely with lots of exploring, tunnels and the house was beautiful beyond words. I would love to go back without the girls and really explore the house better because i have two young ladies who want to spend their time running through the gardens and tunnels rather than listening to the history of everything in every room in the house. We had our picnic next to the deer park and i wished so hard at that time that i had bought my digital camera with me. I had planned to but i was trying to pack everything that the girls would need for the journey and day and just completely forgot but i really want to go back in the Autumn to capture the deer and the woodland. I also want to take Gilles as i know he would love the house so i am hoping we can have a little date day one day when the girls are at school where we can explore the house and i can take photographs of the deer. I think that is a pretty good date day if you ask me!


1 comment

  1. And thank you for such a wonderful day out. I lost track how many times we had to do the tunnel :)



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