Monday 18 July 2016

Under the tree

The summer has really come this week. The sun is out and the days are hot. The girls have two more days left at school and i woke up this morning with no particular plans. I caught up on a few emails and then decided to head to the lake and meadows with my basket and flower press. I wanted to sit somewhere cool and spend some time just being and dreaming.

I walked around the gardens of the local abbey and gathered some flowers in my basket. I didn't want to take too many as my new flower press isn't all that big. After walking through the meadow, talking to the horses and listening to the hundreds of grass hoppers, i found a shaded tree and sat underneath. I pressed the flowers and read some of my flower book and i allowed myself to get excited about our trip to Wales at the end of the week. The girls and i haven't stopped talking about our plans and i have found some beautiful waterfalls and brooks on google and have them written down for us to find.

Today was simple. I stayed until I had to go to the school to help out with a few things. I can see this being a regular thing over the summer holidays. We live right by the meadows and lake and packing up a picnic, gathering our baskets and carrying our books and flower press will be a wonderful day for us pink girls whilst their daddy works away.

Just a beautiful day. I may even do it again tomorrow on the way to help out again at the school!

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