Friday 24 June 2016

Painting in the meadow

Yesterday, the girls got an extra day off school as their school was being used as a polling station. We didn't have a working car, so i hadn't really decided on what to do. We woke up and i put on the record player and did a little bit of housework. Elle then asked if we could go to the meadow near our house and see the horses and take the watercolour paints. I had wanted to do this with the girls over the half term, but the weather was just awful so, of course, i said yes! We picked up an easel from our local craft shop and then i packed up the basket with our picnic, painting supplies, portable speaker and flower cutting scissors for collecting some flowers.

We love this meadow and before the girls were born, i spent a lot of time sitting and reading here. We are so lucky to still have beautiful places on our doorstep even though we live in the busy town. I set the easel for the girls, laid out the blanket and put on the petite music box lullaby songs on the speaker. We watched the birds fly around and the horses in the meadow next to us. We love to name all the horses we see, so we had a very big discussion on what to call the 12 different horses. Mia wanted to call most of them "Star"!

At the weekend, we shall be going to the oxeye daisy meadow with the easel to picnic and paint and shall be taking their daddy with us as he has a weekend off which hardly ever happens! It will be a lovely day and i just encouraging the girls with their painting and imagination. I can see us doing this a lot over the summer!


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