Monday 20 June 2016


A few weeks ago, i said to my mum about how i would love to find some foxgloves in the forest. We were walking through a forest at the time and then, just by magic, we came across a clearing of foxgloves that were just starting to bloom. I really couldn't believe it and i became quiet emotional. Since that day, i had been dreaming every day about going back to find them all bloomed. I knew i had to be patient. I wanted them all to be out the next time i went.

On friday, i woke up with the feeling that my heart was in my throat. I felt very anxious and tearful and i knew i just had to go and find a peaceful place to calm myself and to write about my thoughts. I took the girls to school and then drove to the forest. I held my breath most of the way through the trees, passed the teepees and i could see the clearing at the end of a tree tunnel. I remember whispering to myself a little as a ran down the path. I then started to see the foxgloves at the end and i ran faster. I soon came to the clearing and i couldn't have even prepared myself for the feeling that i had. I burst into tears straight away. They were everywhere. Blooming back in the woods, in the clearing and under the trees. And then i saw a straw and stick teepee house at the bottom of the clearing. It made me think of the Jemima puddleduck story. About the clearing in the wood where she went and me the fox and laid her eggs. I felt like i was in one of her stories. I sat on a log under the tree and wrote in my notebook. I stayed for a few hours before heading back to get the girls. I then knew that i had to bring them back. I wanted them to feel how i did. I knew they were both waiting for me to take them as i talk everyday about how i cannot wait to go back to them. Elle asked if her best friend from school could come and after a little planning, all three girls were in the car and off we went. I was telling them stories of my morning and we were all excited to get to them.

As soon as we did, there were squeals and gasps and "oh mama, they are beautiful!". The girls started to play treasure hunts and used the teepee as their base. I did have a little shoot planned but i knew there were far too busy with their games and i wanted them to play. The sun shone and the clearing lit up. The bee's were everywhere and i loved hearing their buzzing. I managed to get a few photographs and that very first photograph in this post is possible one of my most favourite photographs i have taken. Elle was watching a few bees and the sun peeked through the clouds as just that right moment. It really was magical and i could stare at the photograph all day.

We shall be going back this week. I am not ready to say goodbye to them just yet!



  1. I adore foxgloves. There is something so magical about them. I'd love to stumble across a patch like this in the forest! Your photos are so beautiful. Instead, I'll have to make do with the two growing in my London garden. x

    1. Thank you very much! I feel so lucky to have found them x



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