Thursday 3 December 2015

Fairy bottles - day one

Day 1. The girls got a little gift from the fairies each.

Our advent calendar is in full swing now. Each day, the girls will either get a small gift or an activity. On some days, we are adding in gold coins also because they are both at full time school and have after school clubs so an activity isn't always feasible on those days. On day one, the fairies gifted the girls a bottle each with a small scroll in that says "Happy Christmas love from the fairies". I picked these beautiful bottles up from a shop called Little Beach Hut on Etsy and the girls were so excited. The girls believe so hard in fairies and Elle likes to write letters to them at night time and leave them in front of her fireplace. Sometimes, if she is feeling worried or sad about something, she writes a letter to them to ask them to leave her a little of their gold happy dust so she can sprinkle it over herself to make herself feel happier. She is so sweet and the fairies always manage to leave some gold dust for her and it seems to keep those worries away. A few days ago, she wrote to the fairies to ask for some gold dust so she could sprinkle it on the tree fairy when we put her on top of the tree so she doesn't feel scared and alone up there all by herself. She has the biggest heart and, of course, she got some dust from them and now the Christmas tree fairy is a very happy fairy indeed (with added glitter on her!)

I cannot wait to share more of our advent with you all. I am hoping to make December so magical for the girls. I love their pure innocence of Christmas and fairies and i am going to make sure they believe for a long time!

(this is a collaborative post)


  1. Your posts really take me back to the innocence of childhood, back to when I believed there were fairies at the bottom of my garden as well. Thank you for sharing all these lovely photos and ideas. I hope to be able to do little things like this for my children someday!



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