Tuesday 15 September 2015

Siblings in September

I don't think there are many words this month. These two have started an amazing journey together. A journey that doesn't involve me. It does make me sad but that is another story as i know Mia going to big school with her sister will make these two even closer than they are. It has been a week already and as i am getting myself dressed and ready, i can here Elle chattering away to her sister telling her about where she will have to line up for lunch and what she will do in sports lessons and teaching her the songs for all the letter sounds. Mia had her first full day at school yesterday and they couldn't wait to tell me that they saw each other in the playground and got to play together. They have been chatting away so excitedly about it and saying that they cannot wait for the next day and the next day after that to play together again!

"Siblings" is a monthly link up where myself and 6 other bloggers all share a photo of their children and then we each send you off to look at another blog. You can then go around in a circle, viewing all of the wonderful photographs and then why not link up yourself if you have two children or more! This month, i am sending you over to Carie at Space for the butterflies who shares such beautiful images of her sweet little ladies and prince. 



  1. Aww that is lovely that they want to play together in school. Beautiful photo.

  2. How lovely that they are excited to be at school together, and that Mia has her big sister to help her learn all the little bits and pieces :)

  3. Beautiful photo Keri-Anne. Kitty and Oz loved being in the playground together too before she moved up to the Primary side of the school, so nice when they have each other like that :)

  4. Oh that's so lovely that they get to see each other during the day - I hope when Elma's turn comes, Kitty will help her like that.

  5. Gorgeous photo! My girls started school together this month too - watching them go off hand in hand every morning is so cute! Your girls sound like they are enjoying this little adventure together!

  6. That photo is just gorgeous hun! Was lovely seeing you even if briefly last night xxx

  7. It's certainly a bittersweet time when they live so much of their days away from us. I've been so proud of how much our little man has helped his little sister transition into preschool by telling her all about it and explaining things to her; it makes you so proud. Such a beautiful photo of your gorgeous girlies adventuring together. x



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