Sunday 24 May 2015

Just us

Just us. The Pinks. It doesn't happen enough as my husband is away with work alot. I have decided to join in with one of my favourite bloggers link ups today.

The ordinary moments.

A few days ago, i was sitting in bed alone for the 5th night in a row as my husband was away with work. I decided to read a little back through my blog and i started to wish i had documented more. Documented our bed time. Documented that dog walk where the girls squealed as Rusty shook water all over them after coming out from the lake. Documented that day out at Alton Towers. I have no idea why i didn't but i saw a patten of not including more "family" photographs. I felt quite angry at myself. I do absolutely hate being in front of the camera though and sometimes feel i am annoying my husband and girls by sticking a camera in their face every two seconds. Gilles and i got a whole day to ourselves on thursday and as we had breakfast together, i talked to him about how i want to be in more photographs and to document the ordinary moments and he said he agreed too and so we talked about a family walk in the evening sun after dinner that day. We have many family walks but this time, i wanted to take the camera and allow Gilles to take pictures. He was amazing. He was getting crouching down in the cows parsley and took some lovely photographs and then Elle asked to take some pictures of me and Gilles. They are my most favourite pictures of us ever! She amazes and inspires me every day.

I sometimes feel that i don't share enough of the everyday on my blog. I am not going out of my way to only show only the best days and moments but i do find it hard to share just normal, everyday photographs. I think sometimes it is that fear of being judged or the fear of thinking that people don't actually want to see those posts but my favourite posts on other peoples blogs are the every day normal posts. I am excited to share more of us as a family on my little blog and share more photographs of me and the girls and my husband.

I think i need to stop worrying about what i look like and hiding behind the camera. Both Gilles and Elle have proved that they are great photographers and i cannot wait to see what memories we create and capture together over the summer and many years to come. I want to have albums and albums of all of our adventures and capture everything that i can!


  1. Like you I read over my blog a while back and wished I had shared more of the every day. I love Ordinary Moments for that reason - it makes me think about capturing forever the moments of our lives which will one day feel very far away. I look forward to you sharing more of yours and your beautiful family's. xxx

  2. Love this post so much. I'm the same, I want to be in more images, its a matter of showing my partner how to work the manual though, he does do well sometimes though and has captured some of my favourites. Thats lovely that Elle has in interest in photography too, my girls are really into it too, especially Halle who is only nearly 3! I love these photos! xxx

  3. They are all beautiful photos and yes definitely hand the camera over more often! I try to be in pictures even though I'm happiest behind the camera because I don't want to write myself out of our story - hopefully it works!!

  4. Lovely photos, you should definitely hand the camera over more often and capture those little moments. I think sometimes we can get sucked in to only writing things that we think people want to read rather than the things we actually want to record for ourselves! Just love the photo of you and your husband xx

  5. Hope this comment doesn't come through twice, the internet is being funny for me. // I've followed you since your Livejournal days, with a big gap inbetween... Elle went from being a little fairy baby to a big sister with long red hair. I've always enjoyed your 'Everyday Moments' most of all. And your 'Love Story' is one of my favorite posts on your blog - I've read it dreamily at least five times - so I do love seeing more of you and Gilles. Hope you are able to find the right way to share more of your whole family (your beautiful face included!!)... you all charm me. :)

  6. These photos are absolutely beautiful - I love them and it's wonderful to see and read about you all.

  7. aw wow how gorgeous are those memories captured

  8. What some absolutely beautiful photographs, wonderful memories.

  9. Those photos are simply stunning, each one is just so expressive x

  10. I love how you capture ordinary moments and make them special.

  11. These are absolutely stunning photos Keri-Anne and I definitely think you should start writing more about your family life- I for one would love to read them plus it's so lovely to be able to look back on things you might otherwise forget. Good and bad. These photographs just sum up a happy family to me. So special and beautiful. x

  12. Your photos are beautiful - you have such a lovely family and it's lovely to see you all together x x

  13. What a gorgeous collection of pictures, such lovely memories X

  14. These are beautiful photos, and so nice to have agreed as a family to do more everyday and have everyone included.

    While I write about the everyday a lot, the photos are all taken by me. The OH always works, so never comes out anywhere with us, and at home he hates me snapping away so is never in photos. As for him taking photos - N takes better ones. The OH isn't interested at all, doesn't see I would want to take family photos, and zoom doesn't exist. And that's for simple auto compact camera photos. Such a shame, because we don't have a family photo that's not me photobombing the 2 of them together! Hopefully one day a friend will actually manage to take a decent photo of us altogether.

  15. Beautiful photos! I've only just discovered you via Instagram and this is the first of your blog posts I've read. And it spoke to me because I was only talking to a friend recently about how we're always the one taking the photo rather than being in front of the camera. It occurred to me that while I take my job as keeper of the family memories very seriously :-) I'm in danger of my kids looking back through their photographic history and asking 'er mum, where were you?!' So I've resolved to ask people to take pictures of me with them. Lots of pictures. So I can choose the ones I like (not a big fan of being in front of the camera either!). I also booked a session with a lovely lady photographer who did outdoor family shoots. The first professional photos we've ever had. She followed us around the woods and captured simple beautiful shots that I will treasure always. Looking forward to reading more of your blog :-) x

  16. Such beautiful photos! Although the photos you take are stunning, I'm sure having some with you in will be just as great because they will capture your happy little family! :) xx

  17. Such lovely photos and I agree, we should capture the normal, every day moments too.

  18. Gorgeous photos firstly, and secondly I often feel like I miss things to share on the blog, but then sometimes I like to keep a little bit back, just for us!

  19. Such summery, romantic pictures of a beautiful family.I hide away from being in front of the camera and my son won't pose so I often feel a little sad about that but the pictures that I do get of us all are the ones I treasure.

  20. Aww Keri-Anne these photos are just beautiful. I have started trying to get in the pictures more. I don't like seeing myself but I want the children to remember Mummy was with them rather than just always behind the camera. Yay for joining in, I hope you do it more, you document the ordinary moments beautifully xxx please do it more #ordinarymoments

  21. These are such stunning pictures to cherish and I can't wait to see more on the blog. It's lovely to document you all as a family x

  22. Oh Keri-Ann these photos are just wonderful, even more special that you've captured all of you. It's funny isn't it, I often wish there were other things I shared and I'm really cross there are so few photos of me. Should make an effort really (me not you!). Hope you're good lovely x

  23. Such lovely family photos - we don't do enough of this either and I really much change it, as you say it's so lovely to have to look back on.

  24. I am so the same with not taking enough photos of me and not writing more about the everyday magic moments that happen .. x

  25. Lovely photos, time goes by so quickly - we miss so much. Kaz x



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