Tuesday 10 March 2015

Wake up spring

It is March and that means blossom. It is starting to bloom already and it makes me very happy. There are so many trees around Elle's school that are starting to bloom but i saw this one this morning on the way to the gym and just had to go and photograph it after school. Blossom always inspires me. I am waiting so patiently for the two toned blossom tree near our favourite pond to bloom. We have many favourite spots and i am excited for the adventures. There is some beautiful plum trees near my mums village and the apple orchard also.

Now spring is just around the corner, i have started to think of more creative shoots. I love hanging teacups in blossom and taking the girls on adventures to let them collect blossom to make crowns. We are also going to make our own perfume this year using the blossom petals. I think over the next two months, there are going to be lots of blossom related posts on this little blog of mine and i am really excited by it. If i can fill my blog up with pictures of flower crowns, my little ladies amongst the trees and teacups hanging in the blossom, then i sure will! Happy spring everyone!


  1. March is always such a lovely month, especially seeing in the start of spring. Hope you have a wonderful photo filled month!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  2. Lovely photos. Spring is so beautiful and good for the soul! x

  3. Gorgeous pics! I love photographing these trees too. :)

  4. Oh I long for blossoms, nothing is growing here yet, but at least the sun is out and the weather is getting warmer. I yearn for those white flowers that will cover the field soon. Thanks for sharing those beautiful pictures, and words.



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