I always feel happier when i am either by water or in the woods. It has been a very tough week this week with my father in law passing away last week and i wanted to take some time to clear my head, have some quiet time and just reflect on how i was feeling. I decided to leave a little bit earlier than normal to pick up the girls from school and preschool and went for a wander through the woods we love right by their school. It is amazing how calm and peaceful you can feel when you are surrounded by nature and water. I sat down by the pond and scouted out a few secret places for a photoshoot i am doing this weekend also.
I have two days a week where both girls are at school all day. In these days i like to start off at the gym, then i do some work and housework but as it is getting warmer, i am going to schedule in some adventure time on my own. Just drive out to the countryside and stop where i feel like to explore and take some time to myself. Everyday life can get busy and stressful and i always find that i am more inspired and productive when i have taken a walk or an explore somewhere. I have always like being alone. Before the girls came along, Gilles would work weekends so i would ride my bike, take a picnic, a book and my polaroid camera and just sit in a wood or field for the day. I love to read books by Francesca Lia Block and they inspire me to write and photograph. As i am venturing on a new photography path, i just know that these sort of days will be very welcome in my life and i am excited for them already.
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