Tuesday 31 March 2015

And smile studio

A few weeks back, i entered a giveaway on Instagram to win some goodies from the wonderful Andsmilestudio. I was so excited when i realised i had won and a few days later, i got the most amazing parcel full of all the things i had won! I was so overwhelmed by all the amazing things in the parce. Viktorija is so talented and i am in love with all my new goodies. I have already been wearing some of the brooches, my favourites being the fox and yellow flower brooches. I have plans for the prints in the girls rooms and i have displayed the other brooches on my dressing table for now.

I wanted to do a little post to share all these amazing products as i seriously cannot get over how wonderful the illustrations are and how kind Viktorija was to offer such an amazing giveaway (i feel super lucky to win after seeing how many people had entered!!!). I know a few of my readers like unique and quirky prints and i am so happy to be sharing these with you all today! Go and take a peek at the etsy shop!


  1. So cute! I love Viktorjia's work. :) The little flower brooch is my fav. xo

    1. Aren't they!! I squealed a little when i opened my package :) x



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