Sunday 15 February 2015

Amongst the snowdrops

Today was a perfect adventure. We haven't managed to get out in the past two months due to the cold weather. Mimi has a condition where she cannot regulate her body temperture. If she gets too cold, her body turns deep purple and swells. She cries with pain and it is horrible for her so i have been keeping her indoors as much as i can. We have had cabin fever but, sometimes, you just have to do the best you can for your children. The weather has taken a turn and is starting to warm up which means adventures days are here.

Today we met my best friend, Hannah, and went on an adventure. We didn't have anything planned except to let the girls explore and get lost in their imagination. The spent a little time at the pools fishing and climbing trees and then we found the most beautiful snowdrops by the woods. The girls picked a few and filled their basket with snowdrops, moss grass and dried grass so we can make some birds nests.

I am so ready for blossom, rape seed and bluebells. I am ready for afternoon adventures and evening walks. I am so ready to create the most wonderful memories with these two little ladies this year.


  1. Such a lovely idea when you have children. My favourite childhood memories were in the forrest near me!

    Annabel ♥
    Mascara & Maltesers

  2. Gorgeous photos. And as I was looking at them, I thought to myself that bluebell season isn't far away, and then you mentioned it! Can't wait... hurry up, Spring.

  3. I know you've probably heard this many times before but your girls have the prettiest hair. I've been looking out for signs of spring too and would love to find a woodland of bluebells soon.

  4. It's been so nice to have some warmer weather! These photos are gorgeous, and I love the girls' coats xx

  5. First of all how beautiful are all these photos!! And what a lovely adventure - so excited by these first signs of spring

    Laura x

  6. Absolutely beautiful as always Kerri-Ann. xx

  7. stunning as usual Kerri-Ann I just LOVE their bonnets x

  8. Stunning words & photos, their curls are gorgeous! x



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