Monday 27 October 2014

Toadstool teacup gardens

I love using teacups as the base for crafts. I have previously made a fairy treehouse in a teacup and last year i used teacups to display all the acorns we collected in the woods. I popped into hobby craft today and spotted these little toadstool decorations. I bought them home and decided to do some crafting with the girls.

I went into the garden with a basket and gathered up some grass and weeds and set out three teacups on the table. The girls added things to their teacups and picked out three toadstools each and added them to their gardens. I didn't help at all and just let them have free reign. They did see what i was doing and said they wanted something similar and i love how they all turned out. It would have worked better with moss, i think, but we didn't have any and i love the rustic nature of these. Mia's is the left teacup, mine is the middle and Elle's is the right. They are now sitting proudly on our fireplace in the living room and i love the feel they bring.

I would love to see if anyone else makes these. I would love to try one more teacup using moss and will pick some up from the craft shop during the week.


  1. These look so cute I think that LP would love to have one of these to look at on the side at home x

  2. Oh wow - so adorable! What a lovely idea x

  3. I love these! A great brings a little bit of the woodland inside. Such a lovely creative idea.

  4. These are so sweet! What a lovely idea and so creative. F would love having these dotted around. X

  5. Ah these are so sweet, what a lovely idea! And great for kids to experiment with planting etc x

  6. these are so so cute Kerri-Anne! x

  7. Very cute, I love the little toadstools x

  8. This is so cute! I love just laying things out and letting my daughter get on with it. The results are not always that picturesque to my eye but she certainly enjoys the process more that way.

  9. These are lovely. I want those toadstool decorations! :-) x

  10. Ahhhh, very cute!



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