Sunday 12 October 2014

Collecting conkers

Today, we went to the woods to collect conkers. I love seeing the woods through the seasons. There were so many patches of gold on the ground. The girls ran around with their basksets to collect conkers to bring home. They were both trying to find the biggest conker and there was a little bit of a competition between them. That is until Mia saw lots of squirrels and decided she didn't want to collect conkers anymore, she wanted to go looking for squirrels. She squealed everytime she saw one. We go through woods most days on the school run and see hundreds of squirrels yet she still gets so excited about them.

It was so nice to get out in the woods today. I have had a really anxious day, for no reason at all, but felt that anxious flutter in my stomach since i woke up. The woods always allows me to clear my head and just following the girls around and watching them on their adventure just brushed those feelings away slightly. Now all we need to do is decide on what to do with our conkers. We are hoping to do some crafts during the week and i cannot wait to see what the girls decide to do with theirs!

(Elle is wearing a dress by Lilwen and Mia is wearing a dress from Leopold and Livia)


  1. Oh where do you live? This place is just as if it gotout of my dreams..! Evrything about these photos is perfect, makes me dream about children's magical adventuries..!

    1. Oh thank you! It is a little woods that runs along side the main road on the way to Elle's school x

  2. Those photos are stunning, such a beautiful location and so very autumnal x

  3. Glad to hear the woods help clear the anxieties. I have been learning that I need fresh air, open space and exercise now every day. It's good for my mind. It's rare that it happens, but one day indoors a week, is enough. Nature is soooo good for the soul. I love the ivy archway!

    1. Open space works for me in terms of my anxiety. I love to just be out with nature and try and be positive. I also love that archway. Elle calls it her ice arch (from Frozen of course!!) x



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