Monday 23 June 2014

Canals, wild flowers and strawberries

 I am really sad that this weekend is over. It has been a really lovely one! Friday evening, i took a little drive our on my own to the countryside. I had spent the day at my grandma's and, on the way home, i had a really great urge to just get out and be with myself and my camera. I went to a village and took some photographs along the canal and along the hedgerows of the wild flowers. I walked along the canal and there were the sweetest little cottages with their own moors and canal boats. I smiled at the owners and wished so much that i could just live in one!

Saturday, my husband had to go aboard for the evening for work so the girls and i took ourselves off the the strawberry farm. We then visited my mum in the afternoon and the girls sat in the garden, drawing at the picnic bench whilst i discussed plans with my mum for her garden. We got up early on sunday and headed out to the countryside. We met with my mum, her partner and her dogs for a walk along the canal and watched some cargo barges coming out of the blisworth tunnel. The girls got really excited as they could see the light on the end of the boats in the tunnel and waited patiently for them to come on out. We then took a drive around to the wildflower meadow and nursery. I wanted to take some photographs of the girls amongst the wild flowers but the sun was so high and strong and i just couldn't get the shots right. I managed to get a few in the shaded areas. I am hoping to take them back in the next few weeks and also to pick up some more wild flower plants. The girls picked out a plant each of their own. Elle picked out a fox and cub plant and Mimi picked out an ox eye daisy.

When we got home, my husband had come back for the afternoon before heading off again to a different county over night. We just went out and picked up some dinner and just spent some time together. I was going to make jam with the strawberries but i wanted to spend the time with my husband. The raspberries are nearly ready at the strawberry farm, so i shall take the girls back in a few weeks to pick some raspberries and make jam with that.

Today, i am headed back to my grandma's to hep her with her garden. She has such a lovely cottage garden and has ordered new plants which i am going to plant for her.



  1. Your photographs and blog is so beautiful!

  2. What amazing photographs! You need to spill your photography secrets! Heehee
    And your little girl's floppy straw hat is adorable! Thank you x

  3. I can't wait until the strawberries are ripe for PYO near us! I have fond memories of taking my Year 6 class on a canal boat near Dudley years ago too :)

  4. Now I feel the need to and find a pick your own farm. I love the sun in your images

  5. I adored all your pictures. The places you photographed are so pretty and your girls are gorgeous and make the photographs come alive.

  6. I want to live in your photos. Just beautiful.

  7. Always so dreamy and idyllic! No wonder you're sad that the weekend is over - I would be too x

  8. The place is just like my dreams one <3 your photographs are so great and sharp .
    You doughters are adorable

  9. There is such a dreamy quality to your photographs, they're so beautiful. I love how you dress your girls.

  10. Such beautiful pictures. Looks like you had a lovely weekend

  11. What a lovely, relaxing weekend and your photos are great.

  12. Glad you had a good weekend. Those photos are stunning and a lot look like they are taken from an art gallery.

  13. Gorgeous photos - I wish we had a pick your own farm near us x x

  14. Oh more of your gorgeous photos! Where do you find all these amazing spots? And I really want to go strawberry picking this year - we missed it last year so I hope I'm not too late!

  15. Your photos are absolutely stunning. We will be going strawberry picking soon, cant wait.

  16. What a wonderful way to spend the weekend - and those strawberries look luscious - far too yummy to put in jam!

  17. Beautiful pictures, I love the look of strawberry picking I really must try and do some myself this year.

  18. I am glad you had a lovely weekend hun, stunning pictures as always xx

  19. Beautiful, timeless photos - they fill me with a yearning for times past I was never even a part of. Powerful stuff.

  20. We haven't been to a pick your own farm for a couple of years. I'm going to get Ant to take us soon. We love having a fridge full of strawberries!

  21. What gorgeous pictures and it looks so idealistic and serene xx

  22. Sounds like a lovely idyllic weekend - and as always, beautiful photos!

  23. Your photos are dreamy perfection! So so lovely!!

  24. Such a pretty place! Looks like you had a lovely time, photos are beautiful as always x



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