Monday 19 May 2014

Keeping their flowers

One of the things Elle and Mimi love to do is pick flowers. Every day after school, i get a beautiful bouquet of freshly picked flowers handed to me by Elle with a huge grin on her face or small little buttercups from Mimi. The girls have always picked flowers and given them to me and it makes me feel really special. 

I am always trying to find little ways of displaying their flowers. I want them to know how much i appreciate the flowers they pick and i want to encourage and nurture that part of them. The part where they find the want to find the perfect flowers to give to me and the part where they want to be amongst the flowers to start with. It's wonderful seeing them. Elle is in her own world when it comes to flowers. She wants to be amongst them, smelling them, stroking them and picking that just perfect one for her bunch. Mimi loves colours and any bright and colourful flower she see's is like treasure to her. Many of our adventures involves flowers and it is just the way we like it!



  1. What a lovely habit for them to get into. My youngest loves to bring my things from out of the garden, it's usually handfuls of grass, but she is very proud of her gift x

  2. How sweet! You photos are always so beautiful!

  3. What gorgeous ideas! I might borrow the tape one - all the flowers my two give me end up scrunched up somewhere, which is a shame. What sort of tape did you use to attach the flowers to the wall?

  4. What a lovely thing to do every day with your daughters. Beautiful photographs, I always love looking at your photos.

  5. My tow love to pick and bring me flowers too! I'm trying to get them to focus on flowers - not weeds!! Ha! Bless them :)

  6. That is really sweet of them. I love all your displays. I am always getting daisies - maybe I will tape them to the wall :)

  7. What lovely ways to display the flowers that they bring to you - so sweet!

  8. absolutely love these ideas, and fantastic pics hun x

  9. Some really original display ideas - I love the hanging bottle vases!

  10. Love the water vases that are having. My boys don't bring me flowers, I wish they did!

  11. great idea and great pictures as always

  12. How lovely to get flowers every day from your special girls. Beautiful pictures hun x

  13. Aww this is such a cute idea! You're very lucky Mummy to have such a lovely girls!

  14. We have a nature table full of the treasures my children pick up, it's a wonderful way to watch the seasons change.

  15. Those little hanging jars are beautiful and the floral presents from your girls are too sweet. :)

  16. I love the quirky ways you've displayed the flowers, especially the teapot. Very pretty!

  17. Really lovely ideas and beautiful photographs. My daughter loves picking flowers too and would love it if I displayed them in this way. Great ideas.

  18. My little man is always picking me flowers too! I love the hanging bottles

  19. there is something so sooting about having fresh flowers in the home

  20. I love those little bottles! I get so many flowers from my boys that I run out of vases, but we have some of those bottles in the house! I love the taping idea, but they get a bit carried away with tape ;)

  21. so sweet, Wilf loves picking me flowers too! x

  22. What a wonderful thing for the girls today and such great displays. Gorgeous! Poppy has started picking flowers too which is lovely although I said no to pulling up the tulips!

  23. What some beautiful ways to display them and such a lovely gesture of your girls :) x

  24. Love the look of flowers in the bottles. So pretty!

  25. wow. this is just all sorts of lovely.



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