Wednesday 5 March 2014

Bringing up tiny explorers

I love that no matter what the weather, if there is a wood or field near by, my girls will want to be in them.
I love that Elle spun around in a circle yesterday, in a new wood and said "mama, it's like we are in another world!"
I love the way that on the way to school, we talk about pollination or how bees make honey or why animals hibernate.
I love the way that Mia makes friends with every squirrel she see's.
I love the way that when we step into a wood, it feels like it is just the three of us and that no one else exists.
I love the way that Elle picks flowers and leaves up and asks me to keep them safe so she can stick them. into her journal.
I love that i am bringing up two tiny explorers who i know will care about the world and the animals and i know that we will never stop having adventures together.



  1. Just adore your blog and love your photos. Beautiful xx

  2. Sounds so wonderful and magical. Lovely pics

  3. Adventures in the forest are just awesome! Love your photos that go along with your story x

    I recently posted: Free Things To Do In Essex: Hainault Forest Country Park

  4. These photographs are stunning! I love them! Lovely words too, a forest adventure is one of the best adventures!

  5. Lovely photos. I love the wood sentiment about feeling as though you're in another world

  6. Gorgeous photos and even more gorgeous words x x

  7. What a beautiful post. Your pictures are amazing!

  8. What a wonderful post and gorgeous pictures!! My daughter very much loves the outdoors too!

  9. Wonderful pictures as always. I encourage my boys to play outside as much as I can too

  10. Such a lovely post with brilliant photographs...makes me want to hurry to my nearest forest!! Love the quote from your daughter about it being another world - so sweet!

  11. Stunning photos. Living in central Birmingham we don't have many forests or woods or anything local, but I'm determined to take them to some in the summer!

  12. Gorgeous gorgeous post - beautiful words and photos. We're in Surrey and often find ourselves in the woods at the weekend, it's the best feeling ever and smells pretty good too!

  13. I love your "I love..."s .
    So special.

  14. Beautiful photos and so wonderful that they are finding the natural world such an amazing place. Special times x

  15. This truly does look like an enchanted wood - I can totally see why your daughter thought it was 'another world'. Beautiful pictures, as always.

  16. This is just the most wonderful post. What beautiful photos.

  17. Beautiful post and I am in awe of your photos x

  18. What beautiful photos. It is great when you have children that enjoy being out exploring, no matter what the weather!

  19. I love this post! Such beautiful photos and words to match x

  20. I wish my children were as happy to be outdoors. I have one who wants to be in and one who wants to be out!

  21. Love the forest , I sometimes wish I could loose myself in one .x

  22. Beautiful! I love Mia's red jacket with the background of the forest.

  23. Magical post and (as always!) gorgeous photos - your girls are straight out of a fairytale... x

  24. Gorgeous snaps! Such a stunning setting.

  25. Stunning photographs as always. It is wonderful that your children have an appreciation of the special nature of woodland at such a young age. I always feel so much more peaceful in woodland, I love the smell, the sounds, the feel of the ground, the opportunities to climb, explore, rummage and just breathe. I really enjoyed this post, thank you x

  26. Beautiful photographs. It is always fun exploring the woods. Lovely :-)

  27. I always look forward to seeing your photos - Isaac loves the squirrels too although he gets frustrated if they won't take a nut from him and then ends up chasing them lol

  28. As usual, gorgeous photos. We love exploring in woods :)

  29. Such beautiful photos. Does feel like being transported into another world.

  30. Stunning photo's and my three are very similar. We love nature, I think it is so important that children are allowed to explore and learn.

  31. I love that I have such lovely great nieces and that their wonderful mummy is my very own little explorer-niece, all grown up! X

  32. There is nothing better than a nice, long walk in the woodland... love your pictures!

  33. Beautiful photos as always and it's great to see the girls out adventuring again :)

  34. Love the little red coat!



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