Tuesday 4 March 2014

A little bit of spring

After school today, Elle and i picked some flowers in the woods. I am very excited for spring to finally arrive. I have been dreaming of going outside without coats and hats and being able to spend our days in the meadows and woods again. I love taping up the flowers the girls pick me around the house. Elle is forever picking flowers, so i get to change them often before then droop too much!

For the next 6 months or so, my blog might start to become full of blossom, bluebells, flowers and flower crowns but that is just how i want it. We are looking forward to playing amongst the blossom in the apple orchard and building teepees in the woods. We are such outdoor girls at heart and this cold weather has dampened our souls a little bit. My car is definitely going to get around a bit with all the exploring we have planned and i am excited to share all of these adventures with you all.



  1. It's still so cold in Canada and I crave spring with my entire being!

  2. The flowers look so pretty taped up!

  3. So pretty decorated wall! <3

  4. Love that bottom photo, lovely idea to washi tape flowers to the wall! We can't wait for Spring either, I've had enough of the cold!

  5. What a lovely idea. It's great to bring that bit of Spring into your home!

  6. I love your photos! I love the flower fairy cards too...perfect symbols of spring which I too cannot wait for!

  7. Beautiful photographs! I love seeing signs that spring is arriving!

  8. what a great idea! looking forward to see your beautiful display!

  9. I love this bring nature and spring indoors, makes a lot of difference to how you feel.

  10. It seems like spring has been a long time coming this year!

  11. I love the way you've taped up those flowers x x

  12. I love that collection of things, so pretty x


  13. Lovely pics. Makes me believe in that spring is on the way. Looking forward to your cute pics.

  14. What a gorgeous way to display handpicked flowers. Yes I'll be looking forward to warmer day and colourful blossoms. bring on Spring, I'm ready! x

  15. aw, we used to have those little fairy cards! nostalgia alert!

  16. Spring flowers great, I'm definately looking forward to the next 6 months... flowers and sunshine :-)

  17. Hooray for spring! I went out for the third day in a row without a coat today AND took a picture of some daffodils, so spring really must be here :-)

  18. Beautiful - so, so pretty! That bottom image needs to be a postcard (and it needs to be on my wall!!)

  19. beautiful! I'm so happy for all spring brings this year :)

  20. Very pretty! Can't wait for spring :)

    I recently posted: Rum Caramel Banana Pancakes

  21. Taping flowers up looks great, such a simple idea but so effective! I'm so excited about the Spring and Summer, this weekend looks like it's going to be 16 degrees and sunny! x

  22. so lovely! I wouldn't have thought of taping flowers either! x

  23. Spring is just about here too now which is wonderful. i love that you've taped the flowers to the wall, such a cute idea!

  24. I'm loving your taped flowers. It's a really gorgeous look. What kind of flowers are they? They're really pretty.

  25. Lovely pics. Sounds like you had great fun.
    Emmy is forever picking flowers too

  26. I love these flowers and cannot wait to see more on your blog. I totally agree about the getting outside - we all need some warm sun on our skin

    Laura x

  27. beautiful! Feels so whimsical and English, I love it! And like you we're just itching to get outside and frolic amongst the blossom!

  28. You sound just like me I am longing to run with the kids in the fields without coats and wellies and pick flowers, berries and eventually apples! I can't wait to see you photo's.

  29. Lovely pictures, I feel exactly the same. Can't wait to go exploring as the weather gets better :)

  30. I can't wait for Spring either. The poor light is what really gets me down. The taped flowers look beautiful.

  31. So adorable - flowers look incredible! great idea. I'd forgotten about bluebells. Currently in magnolia and camelia heaven - anticipating tulips, roses, agapanthus - so much to come!



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