Wednesday 12 February 2014

Little projects

(Photographs taken by my best friend, Hannah)

-I have always loved the look of vintage night dresses and i often scour the charity shops for them to turn them into dresses. A project for me this year is to continue doing this and fill my whole wardrobe with wonderful, unique dresses that i have customised from old night dresses.

- Over the last two years, i did a fairy photo series. I loved having a photo project to get my teeth into and this year i have decided my project will be "hidden parts of nature". Now i have my car, we can explore any place we like and i want to share these hidden places that no one knows is there. My aim is to get deep into forests and explore meadow after meadow to capture these hidden places. I cannot wait to start and share with you all what i find.

-My ebook. I have mentioned this quite a few times already this year and wanted to share a little more information on what you can expect. The ebook will not be a "how to photograph" or a "how to use your camera". I want to share my skills and knowledge of setting up a shoot from an initial idea to the final image. I will be taking the reader through how to tap into their imagination and then how to execute the shoot and get the final finish. I will be sharing my steps to how i come up with a story for my photoshoots and parts of my journals with my notes in and explaining where to go from that initial idea. It is more about exploring your creativity. I am hoping to offer a one to one email advice service too. At the moment, i am trying to explore the best options for me to move forward as a photography business so i am just getting intial ideas down about where to go after the ebook is finished. There might even be workshops on the horizon!!

-Fitness. Since January, i have been trying to be healthy. I have a tendancy to throw myself into workouts and "diets" and then after a few weeks, i have burned myself out so i am doing insanity workouts and just trying to eat a balanced diet rather then eliminate things or cut down on things. I am just making smarter choices but still treating myself if i feel like it and then working out harder. It seems to be a better set up for me. I am starting the gym next week also as it is a 24 hour gym and because of Gilles's crazy work hours, it means i can go more often and have some time out in the evenings if i need to.

Did you see that the MAD awards are now open for nominations?? If anyone is thinking of nominating, i would love for you to consider my little blog for maybe the photography/family fun/craft or home interior categories. I would be most grateful. Thank you in advance if you do nominate my blog. x


  1. Excited to hear more about your ebook! And i'm with you on the fitess thing, I tend to burn out after a while, approaching it differently this time - need to find a gym like that too so I can go when G is home {which isn't very often!}

  2. Diets don't work for me either, I am much more into living a sustainable lifestyle eating healthily most of the time with treats and exercise to balance it out. I'm not a member of a gym but I wish I was this morning as the weather isn't great for running at the moment! As always love your beautiful photographs, good luck in the MADS x

  3. Good luck with your book and your fitness!

  4. What beautiful photo's! How exciting to see about your ebook! x

  5. I love that dress! And the boat too. Gyms have never worked for me, really but I'm hopeful that after the baby I can settle into something that will stick. All the best with your ebook!

  6. Love the dress. Good luck with your ebook and fitness plans x

  7. Love the dress idea! And your Ebook sounds fab x

  8. Stunning pictures x

  9. looking forward to the e book, sounds great!


  10. Beautiful photographs - love the dress, just wonderful. Looking forward to hearing about the ebook and well done on the fitness :)

  11. i find when it comes to fitness. healthy eating etc definitely have to find the right thing for you, don't you! it's much easier to stick to something when it feels 'right'

  12. The ebook sounds fab! Also - how is the insanity workout? I've heard good things

  13. the ebook sounds really interesting!! can't wait. x

  14. I love your photos. I am getting into photography but am totally blank as to setting up a picture etc. I'd be very interested to read some tips from someone so talented.

  15. I love your photos - have nominated you!

  16. Can't wait to hear more about your ebook.

  17. Oh how I yearn for sun like in your beautiful pictures

  18. That dress is just beautiful! Good luck with the e-book.

  19. That dress looks fantastic, what a clever idea. I find having the time to exercise so difficult! Good luck!

  20. Love the dress in your pics. Is it an old nightdress!? I cant believe it if so it looks beautiful.

  21. What some gorgeous pictures, that dress is so lovely. I'm looking forward to hearing more about your ebook sounds like something I could definitely take something from. x

  22. Absolutely stunning photos hunny!
    I've just discovered your blog - Can't wait to read more

    Lotte xo
    BericeBaby - London Parenting & Lifestyle Blog

  23. Good luck with the book - these pictures are gorgeous

  24. You got some great ideas. Looking forward to see the pics. The ebook thing sounds like a hit.

  25. Lovely imagery - very whimsical x

  26. I love your photos so much! Looking forward to seeing the photos. x

  27. Sounds like some great projects, love the idea of an ebook x

  28. Ohhh your ebook sounds very interesting... do you have an estimated date when it might be ready for a public eye?



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