Friday 13 September 2013


I am feeling a little up in the air right now. With Elle's half days and preparing for her party, i haven't really felt in a routine. I never really thought a routine was anything that i really liked or cared about until i feel completely out of one. Elle's birthday is next week and she is having her three cousins and one of her friends for a little fairy party which i have been busy organising and making little things for. I also have a little autumn photo shoot with Mia planned for next week which is going to be wonderful. I am really looking forward to doing more and more photo shoots with Mia as Elle is normally the main subject right now.

This evening, Gilles and i are off out for dinner with his family to celebrate his mums birthday. It will be wonderful to have some time out and also to have Gilles with me. One of us normally has to stay at home, but this evening, we get to go together! Tomorrow shall be spent baking, baking and baking some more!



  1. Have a lovely evening out! And I hope the fairy party is great.

  2. Have a lovely evening!
    Fab photos x

  3. Your pictures are wonderful. I really like the one with your little girl sitting on the cut out bench in the tree. And the fairy party sounds like so much fun. She is so lucky! Hope you have a great day.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

    1. Thank you so much! I was amazed when i came across that tree. Of course, Elle wanted to sit in it and i was very glad, it made a sweet photograph :)

  4. This selection of photos is lovely - very magical in fact.

  5. Replies
    1. Oh, thank you! One of my favourites too :) x



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